How do I fill in my exemption from deduction?
Go to your "My Taxation" section. From your personal space, in the "My taxation" section, click on "I am partially or totally exempt". Sign your exemption request. Click on the box corresponding to your situation and then on the "Sign my document electronically" button A page allowing you to sign your document will thenFew readersWhat is the single tax form?
The single tax form or single tax form is a document drawn up annually by all institutions that pay out income from movable capital. It is a tax return summarising all income from movable capital. It must be sent to the tax authorities each year. It is used to fill in the income tax return. This is the CERFA form number 2561 ( readersWhat is the Flat Tax?
In the case of individual investors resident in France, the interest received from a bond issue is subject to the Single Forfaitary Levy*. This is divided into two parts: social security contributions (17.2%) and income tax (12.8%). In both cases, the deduction is made at source (organised by Raizers) and the interest received by the investor is net of tax. *This rate is set each year in the finance law Related articles : What is the single taxFew readersMy tax residence address is different from my home address
Change my place of residence for tax purposes. By default, your tax residence address is entered as identical to your home address. If they are different, from your personal space, in the "My taxation" section, click on "Update tax residence" before completing any document. Modify your personal information In your personaFew readersI am a Swiss tax resident. What is my tax situation?
If you have invested in a Swiss-based operation. If you are resident in Switzerland for tax purposes and have subscribed to Swiss bonds, please note that bond income is subject to withholding tax. This withholding tax is deducted by Raizers on behalf of the Issuer at the time of your annual interest payment. To reclaim the amount of withholding tax that has been deducted at each interest payment, you must complete the "ValuFew readersI am a frontier worker. What is my tax situation?
If you are a frontier worker, i.e. you are a French tax resident but are covered by a foreign social security scheme (European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland), you may be exempt from the generalized social contribution and contribution to the reduction of the social debt. Thus, you are in principle subject to a flat-rate tax of 20.3% on bond income. This rate is broken down as follows 12.8% income tax ; AndFew readersI am a French tax resident. What is my tax situation?
If you are a natural person and you are domiciled in France for tax purposes, you are in principle subject to a 30% tax (flat-rate tax or "PFU") on bond income (interest received or "bond coupons") and loans (interests received). In fact, this rate is broken down as follows : 12.8% income tax ("IR"); And 17.2% social security contributions ("CSG" / "CRDS"). Please note that you can apply for a waiver of IR if you meet certainFew readersI am a non-resident for tax purposes (outside France and Switzerland). What is my tax situation?
color 3faae1 (What taxation for "non-residents" (tax residents other than France or Switzerland)? If you are a natural or legal person and you are not fiscally domiciled in France, you are not subject to any taxation in France. If you fall into this category, please sign the attestation on honour of non-resident for tax purposes available in your personal space, under the heading "My taxation". See the article: How do I fill in my exemption from deduction? (/en/article/how-doFew readers